Outer Banks Photography At Sunrise
February 9, 2021

If you are alive and breathing, you have probably watched or at least heard of the Netflix show, The Outer Banks. As a team, we had visited this stretch of Islands off the coast of North Carolina a few years back but we hadn’t really explored it seriously as a Shore Shooters market until my kid kept mentioning it. My husband and I reluctantly caved and watched the show that our kids kept going on and on about. We admittedly became taken with the scenery and laid back lifestyle portrayed in the show pretty quickly. We obviously weren’t the only ones since it was ranked as the most binged show last year.
So we began planning our trip. We found a cute little airbnb to call home for a few days and we spent most mornings on the beach. I have to say, growing up on the Gulf Coast, I didn’t expect to be blown away by a beach but, I WAS! The Outer Banks is wild and untouched. The weather is milder and the beaches are just…different. We absolutely loved our time there!
Of course I drug my daughter and her boyfriend out for a sunrise session. Sunrises are the best there. I’d never really photographed them this way, but I needed models and they are cute as heck! I’m so glad we did this little session because I saw how sweet they are together as a couple. When you have teenagers you know they will have relationships and God forbid, heartache, so you pray. You just pray that someone will come along and treat your little girl with respect, make them laugh, and look out for them. James is all of that and more for Brianna. We are thankful for him and we are thankful for the Outer Banks.
We are already planning our trip for this summer. What about you guys? Don’t forget to book with our team when you are there.